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March Newsletter | Choose Your Medicine

Writer's picture: Cat LauCat Lau

c h o o s e   y o u r   m e d i c i n e

I am writing this having spent the past couple of weeks at Goenka's Vippasana course in Chiang Mai, and on Koh Samui where I offered Reiki sessions to yin yoga teachers-in-training. Many of you have asked about how my meditation retreat went, and I am still processing it all. Objectively, I learned a meditation technique that was based on how it is believed Buddha achieved enlightenment. Emotionally, I am still questioning how much I resonate with the whole experience. It made me think of this quote by one of my favorite authors: "When a problem is disturbing you, don't ask, "What should I do about it?" Ask, "What part of me is being disturbed by this?" Michael A. Singer The part of me that was shaken by this experience was the part of me that experienced shame and guilt when I was told that healing modalities like reiki, hypnotherapy, breath work, and visualization, are "not compatible" with Vipassana. Now this got my attention. It made me curious about their teachings and I had to take some time to reflect on why it made me feel this way. Not only was I told that these methods were not compatible, but also that if I wanted to come back to do another course with them, I would have to promise that I stopped healing and teaching others how to heal themselves with energy. If anything, this questioning period is bringing me a lot of clarity on how I want to communicate and share the healing methods with you. I say, stay curious, be open, and choose your own medicine. I will write more about my experience later this month on my blog. In the meantime, have a grounding March! xx Cat


h e a l i n g   l e t t e r s   b l o g

I have been called to talk about the heart in my classes this week. Our heart chakra has a powerful energetic field that connects us with greater levels of awareness. When we forget to listen to our hearts we feel uncentered because this is the space where we can connect with our inner wisdom, guidance, and intuition. That's why there are sayings like "let your heart guide you", or "what does your heart say?" When we tap into this inner guidance, we can feel a sense of coming home to ourselves, which can help us make decisions that are aligned with our truths. This is simple and can be done in just a few steps, you can read more on my healing letters blog.


2 0 2 0   e u r o p e   c o u r s e s  I will be offering Reiki courses every month this year, and I'm excited to be teaching in Europe this Spring/Summer. Starting off in Helsinki, Paris, Bilbao, and then in Paris again for Reiki 2! I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve and share energy healing with people from all backgrounds and cultures. See all course dates here. Private Reiki  Sessions Available: 4 left in Helsinki  6 left in Paris Reserve your session by sending me a message


b a l i   r e t r e a t   i n   s e p t e m b e r My soul sisters at Karmabreak and I will be hosting a retreat in Ubud this September 🙏🏼 Join us for a unique retreat experience centered around 4 ancient healing modalities, tried and tested over time; Energy Healing, Movement, Meditation & Mindfulness and Ayurvedic Lifestyle. Each of the 5 retreat days is dedicated to the exploration and experience of self love, self care and self healing. We are currently offering Early Bird Prices for the first 4 tickets! Book your bungalow here.


y i n   y o g a   s c h e d u l e I will be teaching 6 more weekends in Bangkok before leaving for Europe late April. See you all at Patom Saturdays and Sundays 17:30-18:30.


f r e e   r e s o u r c e  One more thing for the community! I have also created a private Facebook group for busy women where I will provide self-care tips for the mind, body, heart, and spirit. Join us here, and feel free to share it with your friends!

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